In the past I have always set "resolutions." Do this, don't do that, get better at this…you know how it is. This year I want to focus on POSITIVITY! My first goal is one for our family, AKA Matt and myself. I want us to simplify our life. I still need to figure out what I want that to mean for us and our family. I did get a fabulous planner this year {link below in February goals}, so step 1 in simplifying is using my planner.
Plan meals for the week. This was a goal that I was trying to work towards last year and it never really took off. I wasn't very organized and felt like I didn't have time. So far, I haven't pre-planned many meals, but we only have January behind us and I am still confident this will take off! We also want to focus on eating clean and healthy. Whenever I make something I try to focus on health and nutrition, however I'm always trying to find new healthy recipes that don't take too much time and effort, at least for most meals. I really want to try to start prepping meals earlier in the week and planning in leftovers as well. We {I} waste a lot of leftovers simply because I forget about them or don't put the date it was made and I'm skeptical of eating it when I finally come around to it. I would also like to talk to a nutritionist to get a better idea of healthy, balanced meals.
Matt and I want to be healthy and be more active, so we both decided to add working out to our goals for this year {and I'm going to make it happen!} I hope he sticks to it as well, because it really helps getting to the gym so much easier when he goes with! My goal is to work out at least 5 times a week on a regular basis, however its a little daunting to think about getting back into that routine {I was very good at this before my wedding and fell off the wagon after}, so I will start with a goal of 3 times a week. I was able to make it to the gym 4 times last week! I would also like to take some of the classes that the gym offers for free, but most of them are at times I work or have class, so I'm hoping to make one class per week! By the end of the year I want to make meal planning, eating clean and healthy, and working out healthy habits for both Matt and I!
A huge goal for me this year is to be more gracious, happy, and helpful! I feel like I have been very selfish in my daily life lately, mainly for time. I just want more TIME!! I work full time at my job, which is four 11 hour shifts of constantly being busy, plus drive time and fitting in every thing else that needs to be done, while making time to talk with Matt, who works nights. I feel so exhausted and frustrated by the time I get home, that I'm not very helpful with things that need to be done. I want to focus more on being HAPPY! I get to come home to my wonderful husband, kitties, and puppy and a warm, cozy home! I want {need!} to have a more positive outlook on things like I used to!
Stress less and be creative! I need to find ways to reduce stress and not take my frustrations out on people I love {mostly Matt since he's with me daily}. I hate that I do this! One of the biggest stressors is my job - I love working with pets, however my current job doesn't allow me to be creative. I am working towards finding a job in the wedding industry, so hopefully something will come along soon! Without having any creativity at work, it means that I need to try to find time outside of work to be creative. One idea I'm trying out is this starting this blog! I've always wanted to start a blog, it will just be a bonus if it lets me feel creative and less stressed. I also just got my calligraphy kit in the mail! I'm SO excited to try this out, you have no idea!! I also have a ton of massages saved up, so I'm going to try and schedule weekly massages! I think SLEEP will also help, though that means less time with my hubby and babies. Sleep is for sure something I don't get enough of, which makes most everyone crabby! I am also going to continue working on styling our house this year, specifically our office and bedroom! I have been searching for prints, frames, and photos to put up around our home, and I think I'm getting pretty close to making some decisions!
Plan date nights with Matt and get together with friends more frequently! This will lower my stress and help with all my relationships! I think its very important to schedule fun things to do with Matt to keep our relationship fresh and fun! I also need to work on scheduling dates with friends, and try to cultivate new relationships into friendships! There are people I meet that I have a lot in common with and can have a conversation with easily and at this age making friends is SO difficult. I want to reach out to those people and if we have the same interests, plan a "date" and do something fun! Who knows, maybe they will become a lifelong friend!
January Goals:
Write one blog post each week {I was so close on this one}
Get together with a couple of my besties!
Search for wedding jobs and apply! {...still searching}
Plan weekly meals
Work out 3-5 times each week {I wasn't close on this at all, except for last week!}
Start puppy class with Sully
February Goals:
Write one blog post each week
Search for wedding industry positions and apply! {I want one SO bad!}
Have Sully training sessions more than just Tuesdays at puppy class - shooting for 3 days a week.
Take Sully on a walk! {We haven't done this yet because it has been so cold on our days off}
Be more organized - use my Simplified Planner on a daily basis and plan weekly meals with this awesome app! Use this app to track workouts and food, and use my FitBit daily!
Plan something fun for my days off with my hubby, even if it is really simple.
Go ice skating with Matt {hoping for something over 20°}!!
Make time to read my many magazines I keep getting
Make one recipe a week from Gwyneth Paltrow's It's All Good cookbook {So excited!}
Schedule a massage for each week in February
Focus on being HAPPY!!
Plan weekly meals
Work out 3-5 times each week {I wasn't close on this at all, except for last week!}
February Goals:
Write one blog post each week
Search for wedding industry positions and apply! {I want one SO bad!}
Have Sully training sessions more than just Tuesdays at puppy class - shooting for 3 days a week.
Take Sully on a walk! {We haven't done this yet because it has been so cold on our days off}
Be more organized - use my Simplified Planner on a daily basis and plan weekly meals with this awesome app! Use this app to track workouts and food, and use my FitBit daily!
Plan something fun for my days off with my hubby, even if it is really simple.
Go ice skating with Matt {hoping for something over 20°}!!
Make time to read my many magazines I keep getting
Make one recipe a week from Gwyneth Paltrow's It's All Good cookbook {So excited!}
Schedule a massage for each week in February
Focus on being HAPPY!!